

Step into the World of Michelin Star Fine Dining

We are delighted to present a series of exceptional culinary journeys that will immerse guests into the delicious world of Michelin Star gastronomy.

Guests will meet star chefs, delving into the processes of creating the finest dishes in the world whilst savouring each delectable morsel which has been expertly prepared just for them.

This is a wonderfully rare opportunity to discover and become a part of the world of Michelin Star cuisine, spending time with renowned chefs, indulging the senses and acquiring knowledge and skills that will create delicious memories.


Accompany our Michelin Star chef to source the finest British ingredients at an iconic London establishment. Discover the considerable skill that goes into producing the finest fresh produce whilst assisting chef to select items for the bespoke lunch that awaits.

Step into a Michelin Star kitchen to experience the energy and meticulous processes at work. Learn skills from the best chefs in the world and assist in prepping elements of your lunch that will be crafted to perfection for your enjoyment.

Savour a bespoke dish that has been prepared with the sourced ingredients and enjoy a unique lunch menu that chef has designed just for you.

The experience concludes with an informal Q & A with our chef and signing of his book.


Visit London’s food markets and specialist producers to discover some of Britain’s finest gourmet ingredients with a Michelin star chef.

Private wine tasting

Private caviar tasting

Cheese tasting and cheese making master class

Bespoke fine dining within London’s most beautiful private dining rooms

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf

Let us take you on a delightful journey of discovery into the art of fine dining and creative British modern cuisine.
Savour each moment as you’re inspired by the most skilled and celebrated chefs on the London food scene today.